Sunday, June 19, 2011


I decided to talk about a girl very dear and close to me. These days everyone is getting their own puppy, and it makes me miss my own dog I've had all of these years. Her name is Abby and she has been a part of my family since May 1999. Abby is the cutest mutt, part Border Collie and possibly Papillon, we don't know for sure what she is, but she is definitely part Border Collie. We picked her up from the pound as a skinny little helpless thing, and we took her home the day she was going to be put down. She was about one year old when we got her, according to the doctor, so she is around 13-14 years today. I know she will die in the next couple of years, but she is happy and healthy these days. She is still perky just like a puppy, and she looks young and fluffy still as well. She has always been a scared and skittish dog when it comes to big 'scary' things. Although she will chase a deer in a second, and she loves people and will be in your lap in an instant. She is the perfect size for a lap dog, which is exactly what she is. Like every dog these days she sleeps all the time, but we can just let her out the door to do her business and she will nudge the door open when she is done. She would never run away because she knows she'd miss out on all the dank food and love. She never played with toys much, or played fetch, but she loved to tear up wrapping paper into little tiny pieces whenever prompted. I miss her a lot and can't wait to see her happy, wiggling self when I get some. I'll attach some photo's so you know that I'm not just bias when I say Abby's cute.

In this picture, Abby is enjoying our garden where she loves to eat zinnias.

Here is a picture of her in her usual spot, cuddling up with my mom.

The past two pictures have been of when Abby was younger and in the middle of her life.
These next two are pictures of her just a few months ago.

Abby lampin' in her favorite spot, in her favorite position.

She has always had the driest (as opposed to oily), softest fur that complements her sweet composure. People always say she's the cutest dog when we go for her walks.


  1. Greg-abby is so cute! This post made me smile. It reminded me of my kitten bella who I miss so much. I found her at a dumpster when she was just a few weeks old and fell in love with her the moment I picked her up. She's only 2 years old but I have about a million pictures of her because I used to take multiple a day (yes I am one of those crazy cat ladies;P). I had to send her home when I recently moved to my beach house and I am still trying to get over it. I love animals and I love bella so much! I am glad I got to know so much about sweet abby also!

  2. Hey Greg,
    I know when I am away at school, I can't wait to get back home and see my pup! You should know that your dog looks very happy in all of these pictures. You can tell she is living a good life. Not to mention that she is beautiful-such cool coloring! I am a huge dog person, so I really liked seeing and hearing about your dog!
