Sunday, May 29, 2011

Trust in Trouble

I find myself, throughout my life, trusting what people say to easily. The problem to me is the easily part. Skepticism is born this way. Once your trust has been broken, you become skeptical. Skepticism leads people to distort the truth. It seems that personally, I have found that most of my cynical friends find deceiving people pleasurable. I find that a crucial coincidence. If everyone told the truth undoubtedly, there would be no conflict. But, just like world peace, that will never happen. Unfortunately, there are too many bad apples in our population whose goal is to distort what is good, right, and should be. That's the way it ought to be, everyone peacefully getting along with no trife or drama. Negotiating tension properly is the key to keeping the balance of right and wrong. Everyone will be wrong sometime, and we can find commonality with that in order to support people instead of beat them down with our words and actions. Once you're wrong, you can be right.


  1. I think that in life you're always going to have to deal with deceiving people like that. What is up to you is to choose who your true friends are and as you say avoid the "bad apples." I can tell you're upset, and I know it's hard, but you shouldn't let people like this get to you. Stick with the people who know are honest. I personally think that skepticism is can be good in some occasions but overall I don't think that anyone should have a skeptical outlook on life.

  2. Greg--I know what you mean about the trusting people too easily thing. It's like I want to give people the benefit of the doubt, and my full trust unless they show or give me a reason not to. Sometimes I find out the hard way that there are just some people I can't trust. As you said there will always be baad, but we must learn to handle the bad situations properly and negotiate them correctly like you explained. There are many "bad apples" in this world as you say...but that is why it is our responsibility to be the good ones(=

  3. Greg, you make a lot of good points. I would say though, like how perfect peace will never happen, there will always be deception and drama because that's what people are drawn to. Also, it helps people show the world how they'd like to be seen rather than how they really are. Personally, I'm open-minded but not cynical, and cautious, but not skeptical. It's pretty clear that there are many people in this world whose very existence makes life more dramatic or ridden with conflict. Dealing with interpersonal conflict and tensions could help world peace, but there will always be people, like your friends, who choose only to deceive. Like the communication concept of negotiating dialectical tensions (as in openness vs concealment), you can try to be honest and truthful, but there will always be certain secrets you have from the world that make you deceitful as well. I guess overall we all have our best interests at heart and don't like to be wrong. But overall, accepting when we're wrong makes us stronger people. So accepting, and speaking, the truth would be like the superman strength we should strive for.
